Monday, July 12, 2010

Permanent Make Up
Client Entrance Exam – Facial Art By Jane

1. Can I get tattooed with sunburn? Yes or No

2. Can I get tattooed after a chemical peel or if on Accutane? Yes or No

3. Can I go home after my cosmetic tattoo and go swimming and sun bath? Yes or No

4. How long after getting tattooed can I swim or tan? ____________________

5. Should I need to wear sunscreen, once healed? Yes or No

6. Can a lather skin care all over my fresh brows if has glycolic acid in it? Yes or No

7. Can I eat greasy food and whiten my teeth after a lip tattoo? Yes or No

8. Does my tattoo (s) need to heal and the skin be respected. Is good hygiene important?
Yes or No

9. Is it ok to freak out with in first 72 hours if there is any shape distortion? Yes or No

10. Will my color possibly go from too dark, to too light to just right? Yes or

No Permanent Make Up Entrance Exam – Facial Art By Jane – Answer Sheet

1. Can I get tattooed with sunburn? No

2. Can I get tattooed after a chemical peel or if on Accutane? No

3. Can I go home after my cosmetic tattoo and go swimming and sun bath? No

4. How long after getting tattooed can I swim or tan? Best wait until all done with sessions and or at least 3 weeks

5. Should I need to wear sunscreen, once healed? Yes

6. Can a lather skin care all over my fresh brows if has glycolic acid in it? No

7. Can I eat greasy food and whiten my teeth after a lip tattoo? No

8. Does my tattoo (s) need to heal and the skin be respected. Is good hygiene important? Yes

9. Is it ok to freak out with in first 72 hours if there is any shape distortion? No

10. Will my color possibly go from too dark, to too light to just right? Yes

Print Name: ____________________
Date: ___________
Score: _______________________

Jane Adler

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