Saturday, June 2, 2012

A well educated cleint is a happy client!


Name ______________________________________________________Date___________________
City _______________________________  Zip code _______________________________________
Home Phone (    )_____________________________________________________________________
Work Phone (    )__________________________________Email: _____________________________
Drivers License #  (AZ requires proof you are over 18) _______________________________________
Emergency Contact Information: Name ___________________________ Phone#__________________
How did you hear about me? ____________________________________________________________
Why do you want permanent makeup? ____________________________________________________
Client authorizes Jane Adler unrestrictive use of before and after photographs to include but not limited to portfolio and teaching. Initial___________________________ * I must have a picture of all clients!
Physician’s name_______________________________________________________________________
Do you wear:  Contact Lenses____________Eyeglasses___________ Dentures___________
Have you recently undergone or plan to undergo any elective or necessary facial surgery or laser procedures? ____________________________________________________________
Have you ever had Permanent Makeup done before?    Yes    or   No
If yes:  What procedure(s)? _________________________________________________________________________
By Whom? _____________________________________________________________________________________
How long ago? __________________________________________________________________________________
What would you like to achieve with your permanent makeup?
Were you pleased with the results of the work?  If NOT please explain why?                                                                   

Do you have any known allergies? ________________________________________________________

Are you allergic to: ___  Latex ___Glycerin___ Paba ___ Epinephrine __ Caine Products______

Do you have any lip implants, gortex, collagen or other? This may cause poor lip tattoo retention._______
Do you use Retin A, Renova or Glycolic Acids regularly?  If yes, please stop using two weeks prior to all procedures!!!  _____________ Initial
Must be off Accutane 6 month’s prior all too all procedures! One year for lips _______________Initial
Planning on laser treatments??  Can fade makeup or turn lip color black. __________________Initial
If you have or have had any of the following conditions please initial and explain in details!
Mental Illness
Dry eye syndrome
High Blood Pressure
Metal allergies
Heart problems
Eye disorders
Blood thinners
Cosmetic allergy
Hormone Therapy
Scar tissue
Chicken pox
Oily skin
Dry Skin
Combination Skin
Blood Disorders
Cold Sores
Fever Blisters
Allergies to Cosmetics
Healing Problems
Retin A
Chapped Lips
Plastic Surgery
Facial Trauma
Bleed Easily
Please List All CurrentMedications__________________________________________________________
*  Explain any other major medical conditions! _______________________________________________
Do you take any of the following medications?____ Accutane _____Insulin _____Blood thinners _____Annabuse ____Steroids ____ Aspirin_____ High Blood Pressure _____Anti-coagulants ____
Do you need to take Antibiotics prior to seeing your dentist?    Yes   or     No
Are you using Latisse or similar products?   Yes    or    No
Do you have any known skin conditions or skin cancer?   Yes   or    No
Jane Adler does not recommend any client get a dental block prior to lip tattooing in AZ! Initial ______

If you have ever had a fever blister or cold sore you agree to take a prescription medication from your doctor or dentist.  You must take Valtrax or Zovirax orally before and during any lip tattoo procedures
_______________________ Initial * Fever Blisters can occur with any lip procedure! 90% have virus!
Do you swim or tan (sun or tanning bed)?  Do not tan before or after appointment!______________ Initial
_________ Before & After instruction have been explained orally and a written copy has been given to me to retain in my possession, which I will follow to the best of my ability.  If I have any questions I will call Jane Adler.  Please use the after care ointment supplied by Jane Adler, unless causes irritation.
_________ I understand that a certain amount of discomfort is associated with this procedure and that minor or temporary swelling, redness, or fever blisters may occur on the lips following lip tattoo procedures in individual who are prone to this problem. Fading or loss of pigment can happen.
_________ I understand the permanent makeup is a multi session procedure requiring more than one visit to perfect in most cases. All procedures take at least 30 days to heal and evaluate. Some will need only one session.  Permanent Makeup is a process not a procedure.
_________ I understand that sun, tanning beds, pools skin care products and medications can affect my permanent makeup!
_________ I understand that Retin A, Renova must not be used around the treated areas long term. I must stop using 2 weeks prior to my sessions. These products can fade permanent makeup.
_________ I understand I must be off Accutane 6 months prior to procedure(s).  One-year prior for lips.
_________ I understand that successful lip saturation cannot be guaranteed due to hidden scar tissue.
_________ I understand it is my responsibility to obtain a prescription for fever blister medication to help avoid an outbreak from a doctor or dentist. Studies show 90% of people carry the virus. Oral tablets.
_________ Client has been informed to wait one year following any tattoo before donating blood.
_________ Client has been informed to tell all skin care professional, medical personnel or their cosmetic tattoo prior to any treatments.  Please have them put a protective barrier over all procedures to protect.
__________ I understand to inform medical personnel about my permanent makeup prior to an MRI.
________ I accept the responsibility for explaining to Jane Adler my desire for specific color, shape and position for eyebrows, eyeliner, lips, and camouflage or Areola restoration.
________ I understand that implanted pigment can turn color or fade over time due to circumstances beyond the control of Jane Adler and alter the original pigment color.  I understand I will need to maintain the color with future applications.  Sun, skin care products, pools and other factors play a role in pigment fading on the face. An allergic reaction can occur, most common with topicals and after care.
_________ I acknowledge that the proposed procedure (s) all involve risks inherent in the procedure and the possibility of complications during and following the procedure. Infection, missed placed pigment, poor color retention, hyperpigmentation or fever blisters or allergic reaction.
_________ I hear by consent to having permanent makeup applied by Jane Adler with Facial Art by Jane. I have answered all questions truthfully and to the best of my knowledge. I certify that I have read and understood all of the above.
_________ I understand I can have an allergy scratch test by request.
* Jane Adler will use a fresh pre-sterilized needle(s) and pigment for all procedures.  Jane Adler follows all OSHA standards on all clients.  Fresh gloves are worn for all procedures!
I have paid Jane Adler the amount of:___________________________________________________
For the procedure(s) _________________________________________________________________
I understand there will be no refunds upon treatment for this elective procedure(s).  I understand my payment includes _______________ visits within 45 days of initial application.  It is the responsibility of the client to contact Jane Adler with in 45 days after initial session if a touch up is required.  Additional visits for Touch ups will require further payment of: * Be sure to book Touch up if needed after initial application with in 45 days!!!!!! Additional touches up fees are:  This will range on an individual basis from 1 to 10 years.  If you do not book a follow up appointment in the time allowed you will forfeit your complimentary follow-up and be charged the below fees. Eyes $150.00, Brows $150.00, Lips $200.00, Other ________.

Client Signature: ____________________________________________________________________________

Jane Adler___________________________________________________________________________________
All specials for 2012 are cash or check only!!
Touch ups are cash or check too.
Credit cards are for on regular pricing only and do not apply to any specials!

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